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February 2009

Two More Restaurant Chains Embrace Gluten-Free Pizza

My intention in starting this Blog last Fall wasn't to focus on chains offering gluten-free pizza, but it's funny to look back at all the entries covering this topic! I guess that's a good thing, since GOOD PIZZA is one of the things most Celiacs miss. As some of you may know by now, Uno Chicago Grill just rolled out gluten-free pizza to all their locations nationwide, after testing in their Northeast locations. Apparently, they sped up the nationwide rollout after the tremendous response from customers in the Northeast. One reviewer on had great things to report in her review of the g-f pizza at a Boston area Uno's. Then there's Z Pizza, founded in Laguna Beach in 1986 and now with locations throughout most of the East Coast, West Coast, and a smattering of other states in between. We're lucky enough to have had a Z Pizza open up in our neighborhood about two years ago, and I have to confess that this is probably my favorite pizza ever. (Keep in mind, I eat their regular's my son that has Celiac.) So you can imagine how thrilled our family was to hear that Z Pizza was planning... Read more →