Vigilance necessary when dining out gluten-free
October 18, 2009
I recently came across two great articles to help Celiacs safely dine out gluten-free. The theme of the articles, found on the website Gluten-Free Simplicity, was VIGILANCE. While both the author of the articles and I applaud restaurants that offer gluten-free menus (and want to encourage more restaurants to do so!), we agree that Celiacs have to be careful not to get lulled into a false sense of security just because a restaurant has a "gluten-free menu." The articles, How to Tell if a GF Menu is Truly Gluten Free and Tonight's GF Menu Item Choice: Is It Celiac SAFE or Is It Simply Gluten?, address the issues surrounding dining out, even when a printed gluten-free menu is available. Have the staff -- both in the kitchen and serving your food -- been properly trained? Do they understand Celiac Disease and the seriousness of ingesting gluten? Are specific gluten-free brands of ingredients ever substituted (i.e. one brand of sour cream for another that might not be gluten-free)? When developing the menus, were chefs aware of and careful about checking ingredients like ketchup, tomato paste, and vinegar, etc. that might go into making a marinade, for example? These are the types... Read more →