Versatile and Foolproof Gluten-Free Cake Mix -- and a Tasty Variation Using Wine!
Travel to the Galapagos Gluten-Free -- and Worry-Free!

We Want to Feature YOUR Gluten-Free Travel Story

Costa Rica beach with rocksHave you been on wonderful vacation recently? Perhaps you relaxed at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean...took a fun cruise...enjoyed a European adventure...or something else even more exotic.

We'd love to feature YOUR gluten-free travel experience with the followers of this Blog. If it was a positive experience, it's great inspiration for fellow gluten-free travelers! Too many gluten-free folks still believe they can't travel while safely following their gluten-free diet. I've made it my mission for the past 8 years to prove them wrong! Let's show them how many amazing (and safe) options there are available now!

Of course, we always welcome you to submit your travel reviews to our website, it's a restaurant you dined at on vacation, market or bakery where you found exciting gluten-free offerings, a hotel or resort that offered delicious gluten-free fare, or a cruise line that treated you like royalty.

GF Ireland Castle Dromoland However, we'd love to give you, our followers, an opportunity to have a "guest post" on this blog, in which you can lay out your entire vacation experience. We welcome as many details as you'd like to share: where you stayed, where you dined, what you might do differently, and how this vacation compared to your expectations (gluten-free and otherwise).

I can't wait to hear your stories, and I look forward to giving YOU the spotlight for your own guest post. Email me at [email protected] with your story. We look forward to sharing your gluten-free travel successes with others!
