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April 2019

We are now well over a decade into the gluten free awakening in our country. By "awakening" I mean when "gluten free" became part of our lexicon, and more people became aware of gluten's affects on individuals with Celiac and gluten sensitivity. Whether you were one of those getting a diagnosis -- or if it was a family member or friend -- "gluten free" was something that was now on your radar. And of course, there have also been plenty of people who have chosen to adopt a gluten free diet, for various other reasons. The point is, the demand for gluten free meals has really taken off over the past decade, and many restaurants have worked hard to help those with Celiac and gluten sensitivity enjoy a safe and thoughtfully prepared meal. Of course, we all know that other restaurants have simply "hopped on the bandwagon" for business reasons, slapping "GF" notations on menu items without much regard for the proper training of "front of house" staff (servers, managers) and "back of house" staff (kitchen). That is a continual challenge for those of us dining out. The more research you can do about a restaurant before setting foot in... Read more →

Ireland has always been a popular destination for travelers. And it's no wonder. There is a rich history to explore, as well as natural beauty almost everywhere you turn. In fact, you've probably heard of the Cliffs of Moher and the Ring of Kerry. But imagine how spectacular it would be to see them in person. And if you're a fan of medieval towns and castles, Ireland is not to be missed. There are even ancient stone circles and other interesting ruins to explore. Fortunately for all of us, Ireland is the "gold standard" of gluten free travel, as they have a higher than average rate of Celiac disease in their population...and therefore are knowledgeable and careful about keeping gluten free diners safe. But if you're just too busy with your day-to-day work and family responsibilities to plan a trip to Ireland on your own (who isn't?!), you may want to consider enlisting the help of Ellen Morse, a gluten free travel specialist with literally DECADES of experience in both the travel industry AND as a gluten free traveler herself. There is no one better to plan a trip to Ireland on your behalf! The way Ellen typically works with... Read more →